Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thing 10 - meet my meez

This was fun - I've played around with avatars before, but never finished one up - this avatar is how I think of myself. My Simpsonized picture that I use on Facebook is more true-to-life, I think!!

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thing 11 - Library Thing Thing

I've had a Library Thing account for a while, as I did a training on book social networking sites a year or so ago, but it languishes unattended. I also have a Shelfari account. One of the best things about Library Thing is the local portion that lists bookstores and literary events in your neighborhood. However, today I came across a great book trailer for an upcoming title - "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters."

Anyway, here's my link to my profile if you'd like to see what I cataloged.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 20 - You Tube

I started my YouTube channel in 2007, and use it for loading Mounted Games videos. As of today, I have 86,066 video views from my channel, which I think is good for a niche sport. I also use YouTube just for fun, and have used it in library work to help patron locate old shows, etc. There are some hilarious things posted there, as well as the usual junk. If you'd like to take a look at my channel just go to -

Thing 13 - Deliciously

I've had a delicious account for several years, and like it quite a bit. It's very convenient to be able to access your bookmarks from any computer - I also like the Skydrive file storage site. This was one of my first intros to tagging. I also co manage the Delicious tag cloud on the Reader's Cafe lib guide, and we use it at my branch for our inhouse bookmarks.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Sixth Thing

I jumped around a bit in my things. Today I took some time to look around Flickr and play with some of the fun mashups. I found a list of 275 mashups - many combos of Google Maps, Flickr and YouTube. There were some that were just fun stuff - posterizing, making a clock of images from Flickr and so on. It amazes me what people will do for fun. The other thing about Flickr is that there are some really excellent photographers posting their work on there. It's a great time sink.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The strands of the web

Here is a picture of my lovely office. I never thought I'd work in a library as nice as mine, I must say. I have worked in some that we could say, were a little the worse for wear.

What's been interesting in getting this Flickr acct, is how it's owned by Yahoo, so I only need my Yahoo id to sign in. Same for Blogger, now owned by Google. I have had a YouTube channel for about 2 years now, and now it's owned by Google also. I do tend to keep things separate if I can, and not use just the one id for all - smacks too much of Big Brother to me - I was also reading an interesting article about Bing VS Google, and the Chrome OS vs Windows. The big showdown between MS and Google - from the article, looks like the money's on MS. What do you think?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Flickr posting

Man, that couldn't have been easier!

Mitch and Cbass

Mitch and Cbass, originally uploaded by liberrians rule.

My girlie and her bestie, doing what they both love.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Fourth Thing

Well, got my blog registered, I hope, and will be moving forward. It's interesting to think of how many new developments have cropped up just since this project began back in 2007. Twitter, for example! That should probably be added to the "things".

My Third Thing of 23

I think of myself as fairly tech savvy, and I have thought of blogging for years, but knowing me, I'd never keep it up. We'll see how this goes - as far as lifelong learning - I'm always ready to learn new things, but it's always the time constraint that gets me.