What a perfect time to blog about Web 2.0 - I just ran across the website for the Web 2.0 Summit, which will take place in San Fran, CA (natch), in a couple of weeks. The whitepaper for the summit is entitled Web 2.0 Squared - Web 2.0 Five Years On, one of the keynote speakers is the COO for Facebook, and another speaker is the CEO of something called RedOctane. What's RedOctane? Guess I'll be finding out. It's interesting to think that when the 23 Things first rolled out back in what '04? Facebook was just launched (Feb 2004) and it would be several years before it was open to anyone besides college students. And Twitter had yet to post the first Tweet. What the heck will be coming up in the next five years? Guess I'll read that whitepaper, at least.
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